
It really helps my business to have someone as reliable as Joanne available whenever needed. It’s a great reassurance to know that Jo is always available and willing to help at the other end of the phone.
Anthony Zachazewski – The Democratic Society

Jo’s help has been invaluable to my business. Thoughtful, hardworking, and organised she made a massive difference to its smooth running.
Rob Horsman – Circus Allstars

The thing I will always remember about Jo was how her face lit up when I said I needed some tedious database work done!
Jess Neame, Director – Obviously Media

Jo has proved herself one of the most resourceful and conscientious people I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with.
Michael Havard – Fai Watu Ltd

Whatever I ask her to do, Jo goes about it with enthusiasm and efficiency.
Robin Houghton – Eggbox Marketing Ltd

Jo is a multi-talented and reliable source of support who delivers no-nonsense help and advice with charm and a smile.
Paul Hutchings – Kindle Research

Jo is a ‘switched on’ articulate PA. She’s extremely professional and has always turned out quality work – often at very short notice.
Tim Marrow – 4Ward Loop Design

Jo’s venue management experience proved really helpful to me and my events business. Jo has consistently used her initiative to deliver more than I have asked. Her motivation and ability to self manage set her apart. Jo really is an excellent service provider. Jo has consistently used her initiative to deliver more than I have asked from her.
Gabby Stubbs – Sea Change Events

I have been very impressed with her enthusiasm, her professionalism and her friendly manner.
Robin Dally – Ethical SEO

Jo’s experience with me has spanned bar and catering management, event co-ordination, product promotion and sales.
Michael Havard – Fai Watu Ltd

I was impressed at how quickly Jo familiarised herself with the many web-based tools and systems my business depends on.
Robin Houghton – Eggbox Marketing Ltd

Jo has a thoroughly likeable personality and proved a huge asset for my business.
Jess Neame, Director – Obviously Media

Jo always meets deadlines and gets a considerable amount of work done in the hours she works. She’s a valued resource and I can’t recommend her highly enough.
Rob Horsman – Circus Allstars

Jo’s key qualities are efficiency, time management, and amazing attention to detail.
Michael Havard – Fai Watu Ltd

Jo brings an unusually intelligent and thoughtful approach to the work she does and is so easy to work with. Jo has also been able to suggest ways of working more productively, either in terms of process or software applications – a very useful added value!
Julie Stanford – MD, Essential Business & Emeritus President of B&H Chamber of Commerce

Jo is very knowledgeable and can impart what she knows clearly and efficiently.
Al Tredinnick – Digicave Ltd

Jo has proven herself to be reliable, professional and a pleasure to work with. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her for an instant.
Nilden Ozkan – NLD Accountancy

To sum it up, if I could afford it, I would have her running my life!
Michael Havard – Fai Watu Ltd

Jo is not daunted when given a quite general brief and has a very positive and proactive attitude all round.
Robin Houghton – Eggbox Marketing Ltd

Jo loves lists and spreadsheets and has a remarkable passion for administration.
Jess Neame, Director – Obviously Media

Jo is the glue that holds my business together!
Michael Havard – Fai Watu Ltd

Jo is always clear and straightforward in her communications and is a pleasure to work with.
Anna Hayes – Roots Upwards

We have no hesitation in recommending Jo’s work, and look forward to working with her again in the future.
Jo wrote us six concise, well written and informative pieces outlining different Social Media platforms and how to use them for business. They were exactly what we wanted. Jo works with a real enthusiasm for her subject, and brings degrees of expertise and a high integrity to her work.
Jim Gordon – Fiveways Online

Jo couldn’t have been more accommodating. She worked tirelessly on what was a boring and tedious task to get it done ahead of time.
I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending Jo to anyone who needs additional support and assistance. Particularly if, like me, they’re a bit disorganised and live their life in constant
Lucy Ignatiadis – Iguana Solutions

Jo took the time to understand my business and advised me how to make use of Social Media platforms such as Tweetdeck.
I would thoroughly recommend Jo’s practical and efficient approach to any business.
Martyn Yeats – Project Consultant

Jo is a huge support to my business and does a great job with minimal briefing.
Global Social Media Consultant

There is so much good advice on your website I barely know where to begin!
Gary Rodgers – Freelance Tour Manager

Jo is the most professional person I have worked with.
Kate Barker – Natural Beauty Brighton

Jo is unfailingly positive and unfazed by anything even if means familiarising herself with new software.
Robin Houghton – Eggbox Marketing Ltd

My business wouldn’t run without her!
Mike Havard – Fai Watu Ltd

Jo is a remarkably organised and efficient person.
Lucy Ignatiadis – Iguana Solutions

Jo has completed work for me on several occasions and I have always been impressed by the high quality of her work, her integrity and efficiency.
Rachel Brown – Secretary Outsource

Jo has an uncanny ability to pick up any task you throw at her and bring events to a successful conclusion. A sponge for industry-specific information, super organised, and capable of communicating and operating at any level. Far more than you would expect from a Personal Assistant. I would describe Jo as a trusted safe pair of hands with the initiative to solve your problems faster than you can generate them.
When you’re busy, overseas, trying to spend time with your family or just want work out of your life for a day or two. Jo is the answer.

It’s hard to put Jo in a box – she’s just great!
Jo is a capable, trusted extension of myself.
Kevin Ryan – ITKanban

Jo did an excellent job very quickly and was a pleasure to deal with.
Jonathan Lea – Commercial and Digital Media Lawyer

Jo is an expert in her field – you can expect the final product to be flawless.
Joao Bocas – Sports 13

Jo taught me how to write and SEO blog posts, make a Facebook business page, and how to use Twitter. She also showed me how to manage and attract people to them.
Bella Hoare – M.E. Space

Her passion for her work made it as stress-free as possible for us social networking neophytes. We recommend her highly.
Charles & Anna – Eco Alchemists

Jo is the nearest thing there is to the US Cavalry in Brighton. When all seems to be going wrong she arrives, sorts it all out, and rescues the day.
Not only is Jo’s work meticulous, but her attitude and manner is warm, reassuring and compassionate.
Stephen Clark – Playwright and Lyricist

Jo is incredibly knowledgeable about social media and SEO. I asked Jo about improving social media for my new business and she was a font of knowledge – just brilliant.
Anna Haynes – Freelance Editor

You are unique in that your social media skills are amazing.
Jo knows more than most people out there flaunting themselves as a ‘social media expert’.
I did not think I would be able to find someone like you… and I imagine that others will be the same.
Jo works with the highest level of integrity at all times. Ensuring she fully understands the brief from the outset and keeping in touch at all stages of a project.
Jo really understands social media – what the variety of tools can be used for and how to analyse best practice (or not!). Her research skills are also fast and accurate.
I honestly could not run my business without her. She’s always on the ball, updated with social media changes, helps with ideas and efficiently works through set projects and tasks.
Luan Wise – Chartered Marketer

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